Great Day AJu

Magazine, 225 x 295mm, 2015
Client: Aju Group

Greate Day Aju is a quaterly art+culture company magazine of Aju Group in South Korea.

Creative Director: Younghoon Park
Project Manager: Hyeok Jeong
Editor: Hyeok Jeong, Jinah Lee
Designer: Jaekook Han, Danbi Park
Illustrator: Jihong Min
Cover design Art+Life Chapter design

Design Process

Greate Day Aju is composed by three chapters and I designed the cover and the first chapter “Art+Life.” The design concept is the magazine as a gallery. So I designed folded cover that could use as a gallery space. Each issue has different artist’s works for the cover.
And I use white space as a frame to emphasize the artwork image. In the body, I had focused on the visual consistency and enough size of images that fit to our concept of the gallery.

Copyright 2021, Jaekook Han